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In the east­ern cen­ter, you reside at Spar Hotel Går­da, close to Gothen­burg Cen­tral Sta­tion and just a stone’s throw away from the Even­e­mangsstråket (Event Strip) with the Nordic’s most clas­sic con­cert are­na: Ulle­vi, and its neigh­bor Scan­di­nav­i­um — along with Swe­den’s most pop­u­lar attrac­tion: Lise­berg. With­in a pleas­ant walk­ing dis­tance, you have the plea­sure of dis­cov­er­ing one of Gothen­burg’s new and well-renowned restau­rant areas: Odin­splat­sen. Con­tin­ue a bit fur­ther, and you’ll arrive at Göte­borgs Trädgårds­fören­ing (Gothen­burg’s Gar­den Soci­ety) — one of Europe’s best-pre­served 19th-cen­tu­ry parks, which serves as a back­drop to the city’s main boule­vard: Kungsport­savenyn, bet­ter known as Avenyn’. At the top stands Carl Milles’ mas­ter­piece: Posei­don, over­look­ing Göta­plat­sen in the heart of the city’s cul­tur­al hub, fea­tur­ing the Art Muse­um, Con­cert Hall, City The­ater, Art Hall, City Library, and Röh­s­ka Muse­um. At the oth­er end of Avenyn, you’ll find world-class shop­ping with depart­ment stores like NK and Fem­man­huset in Nord­stan. Here, you’ll also dis­cov­er the vibrant and col­or­ful The Grand Mar­ket Hall from 1889.

In the west­ern cen­ter, you stay at Spar Hotel Major­na in the his­toric dis­trict of the same name, referred to by the locals as the city with­in the city. Here, you can quick­ly stroll to the trendy and pub-filled Stig­bergstor­get (where you’ll also find the well-pre­served Gaten­hielm­s­ka cul­tur­al reserve) and the leg­endary Andra Lång­gatan and Järn­tor­get — the gate­way to Lin­nés­taden and Haga. One of the coun­try’s old­est zoos is locat­ed in Slottssko­gen, estab­lished in 1874, where Swe­den’s largest music fes­ti­val, Way Out West, is held annu­al­ly. But the most quin­tes­sen­tial­ly Gothen­burg expe­ri­ence is just a stone’s throw away: Gothen­burg’s fish har­bor, where every morn­ing you can wit­ness live­ly fish auc­tions where the ocean’s del­i­ca­cies are bid for and deliv­ered to, among oth­er places, the world-renowned Fes­kekôr­ka (The Fish church). If you wish to broad­en your hori­zons, it’s also in the har­bor where you’ll find the two Ste­na Line ter­mi­nals: the Den­mark Ter­mi­nal and the Ger­many Terminal.

Spar Hotel — at our hotels in Gothen­burg, we care for the environment.

At both of our hotels in Gothen­burg, we con­duct active envi­ron­men­tal work. Spar Hotel is com­mit­ted to sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly work­ing and striv­ing to min­i­mize ener­gy usage and any poten­tial neg­a­tive impact on our envi­ron­ment. Since 2006, we have been col­lab­o­rat­ing with Green Key and have received their envi­ron­men­tal cer­ti­fi­ca­tion annu­al­ly since then.