Hoppa till innehållet


Our break­fast gives you a good start to the day and it is includ­ed in the price. A small­er break­fast selec­tion is avail­able from 5 am. Our deli­cious com­plete break­fast buf­fet is avail­able Mon-Fri 6.30 a.m.-10.00 am, Sat/​Sun/​holidays/​summer from 6.30 am-12:00 noon

We offer a healthy buf­fet that includes the most com­mon Swedish break­fast items. There’s a wide range of yoghurt, soured milk, cere­als and cold cuts. Fruits and veg­eta­bles vary accord­ing to sea­son. We have dif­fer­ent types of bread, both dark and light, crisp and soft. Scram­bled eggs, bacon and sausages can be enjoyed. And why not round it off with some fresh pan­cakes accom­pa­nied with whipped cream and some deli­cious berry jam!

Our break­fast gives you ener­gy for the entire day!


Wel­come to our friend­ly Spar­Bar, with full alco­hol serv­ing rights our bar staff is hap­py to assist with drink and food rec­om­men­da­tions. Have a seat in a qui­et cor­ner and enjoy a Gin & Ton­ic or a glass of Mal­bec and choose from any of our hearty meals that are list­ed on our menu. The Spar­Bar is open every day from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM.

Lunch & Dinner

Groups of 20 peo­ple or more can make a reser­va­tion in our pleas­ant din­ing room and pre order lunch or din­ner. Kind­ly con­tact our recep­tion for any inquiries. 


Dur­ing the hours when Spar­Bar is not oper­at­ing, our front desk staff are hap­py to assist with any drink and food pur­chas­es. Such as cof­fee, tea, soda, warm pani­nis and tasty sandwiches.

Rooftop Ter­race

Why not pur­chase your drink of choice, snack or hearty meal at Spar­Bar and bring it up to our love­ly rooftop ter­race, when the Gothen­burg weath­er allows it of course.