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Wel­come to Spar Hotel!

Our rooms are pleas­ant­ly dec­o­rat­ed and they all have a pri­vate show­er, toi­let, as well as com­forts such as a tele­phone, TV, Inter­net con­nec­tion, hair dry­er and com­fort­able beds.

Get a good start to the day with our hearty break­fast buf­fet, and unwind in the evening in our sauna, or with an ice-cold beer in the bar, play some bil­liards* or per­haps work­out in our gym. 

Dur­ing the sum­mer sea­son, both of our ter­races are open. There you can eat your break­fast or enjoy a cool­ing drink in the evening. We’re fru­gal with your mon­ey, but we don’t skimp on ser­vice! The hotel is manned round the clock with ded­i­cat­ed staff, who do their best to make sure our guests are satisfied.

*only at Spar Hotel Gårda

We lis­ten to our guests

All of our rooms have a ques­tion­naire, where you can com­ment on your expe­ri­ence with us, what you liked and what could improve. The response from these forms have con­tributed great­ly to our hotel offer­ing today.

I’m very proud of our two hotels and our staff, and I know you will have a nice stay with us.

I wish you a warm wel­come to Spar Hotel!

Yours sin­cere­ly,
Terese Wibeck

Hotel Man­ag­er Spar Hotel Gårda