Hoppa till innehållet

If you real­ize you have left some­thing behind, please do not hes­i­tate to con­tact us, and we can arrange to have them sent to you by mail at a cost.

Please note that after 90 days, we will either donate or dis­pose of the unclaimed items. Haz­ardous waste, such as laugh­ing gas can­is­ters, is pro­hib­it­ed in the rooms, and han­dling charges will be billed to the guest for any left behind.

We encour­age all our guests to dou­ble-check their rooms before check­ing out and to inform us of any for­got­ten belong­ings as soon as pos­si­ble. Thank you for your under­stand­ing and cooperation!

Con­tact us at majorna@​sparhotel.​se

Please pro­vide:



Check­out date:

Book­ing number:

Type of item:
