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When is check in?

From 3:00 PM on the day of arrival, you are wel­come to check in. Some­times, we can assist with ear­ly check-in, but we won’t know until the day of arrival. Rooms of depart­ing guests need to be cleaned and checked before the next guest checks in. If you would like to leave your lug­gage at the hotel and explore the city for a while, return­ing for a lat­er check-in, that is cer­tain­ly possible.

Is it pos­si­ble to book parking?

No, it is not pos­si­ble to pre-book park­ing in our garages or in the court­yard park­ing at Går­da. It is on a first-come, first-served’ basis. We have about 40 spaces in the garage at each hotel and an addi­tion­al 20 spaces in the out­door court­yard at the Går­da hotel. We would be hap­py to pro­vide infor­ma­tion about paid park­ing alter­na­tives near the hotel.

How do I mod­i­fy or can­cel my reservation?

A pre­req­ui­site for being able to cancel/​modify free of charge is that you have booked a refund­able rate. Non-refund­able book­ings can­not be refunded.

Book­ings made through third par­ties (e.g., book​ing​.com, hotels​.com) must be canceled/​modified through the respec­tive book­ing site. We can­not accept changes or can­cel­la­tions for these book­ings directly.

Book­ings made direct­ly with us at the hotel can be changed/​canceled through the hotel’s recep­tion. Book­ings made on our web­site, sparho​tel​.se, can be can­celed direct­ly there.

Pro­vid­ed that you have booked a refund­able rate. Non-refund­able rooms can­not be refunded.

By what time do I need to check out?

Check-out is by 12:00 PM. Lat­er check out may be pos­si­ble at an addi­tion­al cost and in con­sul­ta­tion with the recep­tion. As a mem­ber, which you become free of charge here, late check out is includ­ed sub­ject to availability. 

How long is the recep­tion open?

We are avail­able around the clock. Wel­come down!

Are pets allowed?

Yes, dogs or cats are allowed in cer­tain rooms at an addi­tion­al cost. Max­i­mum of 2 pets per room.

Do the rooms have bathtubs?

We have a few rooms in each hotel with bath­tubs, but all rooms have show­ers. Jacuzzis are avail­able in our suites at both Spar Hotel Major­na and Spar Hotel Gårda.

Is there a hair dry­er in the rooms?

Yes, hair dry­ers are avail­able in all rooms.

Is there a mini­bar in the room?

No, there is no mini­bar. How­ev­er, all rooms at Spar Hotel Går­da and all plus rooms at Major­na have a mini-fridge. The kiosk in the lob­by is open 247.

Is there a safe in the room?

All plus rooms at Major­na have a safe, and all rooms at Spar Hotel Går­da. There is also a safe in the recep­tion. NOTE: The hotel is not respon­si­ble for valu­ables stored in the safe or in the rooms.

Do you have acces­si­ble rooms for peo­ple with disabilities?

We have a few rooms at each hotel that are acces­si­ble for peo­ple with dis­abil­i­ties, although they are not ful­ly adapt­ed for wheel­chair users. If you are wheel­chair-bound, we may not be the best option. Fire alarms with sen­sors are avail­able for those with hear­ing impairments.

When is break­fast served?

Break­fast is usu­al­ly served at the fol­low­ing times:

Week­days: 05:00 – 10:00 (cold start from 05:00, hot dish­es from 06:30)

Week­ends and sum­mer peri­od: 05:00 – 12:00 (cold start from 05:00, hot dish­es from 06:30)

Do you have spe­cial dietary options on the break­fast buffet?

We offer a selec­tion of milk and lac­tose-free prod­ucts as well as gluten-free options. We also pro­vide many veg­an and veg­e­tar­i­an alternatives.

What does your break­fast buf­fet include?

We have a large and var­ied selec­tion, rang­ing from dif­fer­ent types of cheeses and jams to ham, turkey, and sala­mi. Of course, we also offer bacon & scram­bled eggs and plen­ty of seeds, grains, cere­als, and dried fruits for you to cre­ate your own por­ridge and/​or mues­li. We also pro­vide home­made gra­nola, pan­cakes, crois­sants, and plen­ty of fruits & veg­eta­bles. There are var­i­ous types of her­ring, as well as soft-boiled and hard-boiled eggs.

How do I get to the hotel?


By tram (Väst­trafik) — Tram lines num­ber 3 and num­ber 9 run from the city cen­ter to Major­na. The near­est tram stop is Chap­mans Torg, 200 m from the hotel’s reception.

By car - See direc­tions here. Tem­porar­i­ly park your car in the back­yard while you check in and receive the key to the garage, sub­ject to availability.

From the air­port (Land­vet­ter Air­port) — Take the Fly­g­bus­sar­na to Kungsport­splat­sen. Trans­fer to tram num­ber 3 and head towards Högsbohöjd/​Marklandsgatan. Get off at Chap­mans Torg


By tram (Väst­trafik) — Tram lines num­ber 1 and num­ber 3 run from the city cen­ter to Går­da. Tram lines 6 and 8 run from Even­e­mangsstråket (Lise­berg, Sven­s­ka Mäs­san, Scan­di­nav­i­um, etc.). The near­est tram stop is Svin­geln, 600 m from the hotel’s reception.

By bus — Bus num­ber 60 runs from the city cen­ter to Går­da. The near­est bus stop is Vagn­hallen Går­da, 300 m from the hotel’s reception.

By car - See direc­tions here. Tem­porar­i­ly park your car on the street while you check in and receive the key to the garage or locked back­yard, sub­ject to availability.

From the air­port (Land­vet­ter Air­port) — Take the Fly­g­bus­sar­na to Korsvä­gen. Trans­fer to tram num­ber 6 or 8 and ride to Svingeln.

Do I need a valid ID card?

Yes, upon arrival at the hotel, you will need to present a valid ID card with a photo.