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Spar Hotel Majorna 

Karl Johans­gatan 66 – 70

414 55 Göteborg

Tele­phone 031 – 751 07 00
E‑mail majorna@​sparhotel.​se

By Pub­lic Transportation

The tram lines num­ber 3 (Towards Högsbohöjd/​Marklandsgatan) and num­ber 9 (Towards Kungsten/​Saltholmen) run from the city cen­ter to Major­na. The near­est stop is Chap­mans Torg, 200 m from the hotel’s recep­tion. Check the cur­rent sched­ules on Väst­trafik’s trav­el plan­ner. Down­load their ToGo app for con­ve­nient tick­et purchase.

By car

Spar Hotel Major­na is sit­u­at­ed in west­ern cen­tral Gothen­burg and is eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from E6, E45, E20, and road 40. Enter your start­ing location!

Upon arrival at Spar Hotel Major­na, dri­ve through the build­ing (just after the Velo­Form store, locat­ed in the same build­ing as the hotel). Tem­porar­i­ly park your car in the back­yard until you receive the key to the garage. Read more about our park­ing here. 

From Land­vet­ter Airport

Take the Fly­g­bus­sar­na (Air­port Coach­es) to Kungsport­splat­sen. Trans­fer to tram num­ber 3 and head towards Högsbohöjd/​Marklandsgatan. Alight at Chap­mans Torg.