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Hotel facts

Rooms 160
Smoke-free rooms 160
Floors 5 incl. ground floor
Elevators 2
Year bulit 1969
Last renovtion 2023
Brakfast buffet Included
Shower/WC Yes
Hair dryer Yes, every room
Iron Yes, In laundry room on 2nd floor.
Sauna Yes
Bar Yes. 11-23
Laundry service Yes. Laundry room on 2nd floor.
Minibar No
Desk Yes
Internet Yes, Wi-Fi
Garage Ja
Conference room Nej
Safety box Yes, every room
Kettle Yes, every room
Floors 5 incl. ground floor


Our staff is avail­able 247.


Sofas, seat­ing areas, TV, infor­ma­tion stands.

Bar & Restaurant

Open dai­ly from 11 AM to 11 PM. Serv­ing light meals with hot and cold dish­es, as well as beer, wine, cider, and non-alco­holic bev­er­ages. Cof­fee & snacks available. 

Break­fast room

Open dai­ly from 5:00 AM, offer­ing a light selec­tion of sand­wich­es, yogurt, cof­fee, and tea. From 6:30 AM, the full buf­fet is avail­able with both hot and cold dish­es. We also have a ded­i­cat­ed aller­gen-free cor­ner. A small play area for chil­dren is also available.


Open dai­ly dur­ing the sum­mer sea­son from 9:00 AM to 10:00 PM. You can enjoy break­fast here or have a refresh­ing drink in the evening. (Sales are made at the lob­by bar). 


Reser­va­tions are not pos­si­ble, first come, first served. Free of charge until Decem­ber 31, 2024. 55 park­ing spaces avail­able, 15 of which are for elec­tric vehi­cles. You have access to the garage with your room key.

Prices for 2025:
Garage: 150 SEK/​day
Fenced back­yard: 100 SEK/​day

Park­ing is sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty and can­not be reserved. Pay­ment is made via a mobile app on-site.

Sauna & Gym

Open dai­ly from 7:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Let the recep­tion know, and we will start the sauna for you.

The Rooms

We offer a wide range of room cat­e­gories, from sin­gle rooms to fam­i­ly rooms and suites. Read more here!

Game room

In the base­ment, we have our own game room with both pool and table ten­nis, com­plete­ly free of charge. Pool cues and table ten­nis rack­ets are avail­able for loan at the reception.