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An expe­ri­ence for the whole family!

Wel­come to our fam­i­ly-friend­ly hotels, where we focus on the com­fort and joy of chil­dren! We aim to make your stay as mem­o­rable as pos­si­ble and have cre­at­ed spe­cial ameni­ties for the lit­tle ones.

Upon arrival, chil­dren receive a delight­ful wel­come gift, mak­ing their arrival extra spe­cial. In the sum­mer, we have a ded­i­cat­ed check-in desk for chil­dren, allow­ing them to feel like lit­tle stars check­ing in their own way (avail­able only at Spar Hotel Gårda).

To make the break­fast expe­ri­ence even more enjoy­able, we have a small play cor­ner in the break­fast room. Here, chil­dren can play and social­ize while par­ents enjoy a peace­ful breakfast.

When it’s time to rest, we offer com­fort­able bunk beds in our fam­i­ly rooms, where chil­dren can have fun while they sleep. Our triple rooms fea­ture real beds for a cozy and safe sleep. For the youngest guests, we also pro­vide cribs for extra safe­ty and convenience.

At Går­da, chil­dren can have fun with bil­liards and table ten­nis, while shuf­fle­board is the per­fect option for play­ful moments at Major­na. We strive to cre­ate a fam­i­ly-friend­ly atmos­phere where both adults and chil­dren can enjoy and cre­ate won­der­ful mem­o­ries together.

So pack your bags and let us take care of your fam­i­ly dur­ing your next stay. We look for­ward to wel­com­ing you and cre­at­ing an expe­ri­ence full of play, laugh­ter, and togeth­er­ness at our hotel!