Hoppa till innehållet


Our break­fast gives you a great start to the day and is includ­ed in our prices. Start­ing at 5:00 AM, you can cold start” your day with a small­er break­fast selection.

Our full buf­fet is avail­able week­days from 6:30 AM to 10:00 AM and on Sat­ur­days, Sun­days, pub­lic hol­i­days, and dur­ing sum­mer from 6:30 AM to 12:00 PM.

Here you’ll find the most com­mon Swedish break­fast foods. We offer a vari­ety of cul­tured milk, yogurt, cere­als, and cold cuts. Fruits and veg­eta­bles vary accord­ing to the sea­son. We have sev­er­al types of bread, both dark and light, and both hard and soft. We also offer hot break­fast items, includ­ing eggs, bacon, and small sausages.

Our break­fast will keep you going all day.


Our pleas­ant lob­by bar is open every day from 11:00 AM to 11:00 PM. Here, we serve hot and cold food, beer, wine, cider, and non-alco­holic options. 


Small­er selec­tion of hot and cold dishes. 


You are wel­come to vis­it our recep­tion to pur­chase hot and cold drinks, choco­late, can­dy, chips, and deli­cious sand­wich­es around the clock. 


When the weath­er per­mits, you can sit down and relax on our sun­ny out­door terrace.