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Wel­come to Spar Hotel — Per­fect for groups in Gothenburg!

Plan­ning a Group Trip to Gothenburg?

Are you look­ing to book 10 or more rooms? At Spar Hotel, we have exten­sive expe­ri­ence in accom­mo­dat­ing groups of all kinds. We have a long his­to­ry of wel­com­ing com­pa­nies, sports teams, school groups, and oth­er large par­ties vis­it­ing Gothen­burg for var­i­ous events and activ­i­ties. Spar Hotel is the per­fect choice for group book­ings in Gothen­burg. With com­fort­able and ver­sa­tile rooms, from sin­gles to quadru­ples, we offer tai­lored solu­tions for group stays.

Sports Teams: We have had the plea­sure of host­ing many sports teams over the years, par­tic­i­pat­ing in var­i­ous events in Gothen­burg. High­lights include the major inter­na­tion­al events like Goth­ia Cup and Par­tille Cup. We pro­vide a safe and com­fort­able stay for chil­dren, youth, coach­es, and par­ents alike. We offer every­thing from sin­gle rooms to quadru­ple rooms. Addi­tion­al­ly, we are flex­i­ble and can arrange rooms for match brief­in­gs, strat­e­gy talks, and more.

School Groups: School groups plan­ning a vis­it to Lise­berg or oth­er attrac­tions in Gothen­burg will find a safe and com­fort­able stay with us. We offer rooms per­fect­ly suit­ed for larg­er groups of young peo­ple, with safe­ty and com­fort as our priority.

Com­pa­nies: We are the per­fect base for com­pa­nies vis­it­ing the city for con­fer­ences, trade shows, and oth­er busi­ness events. Our mod­ern facil­i­ties and com­fort­able rooms make us the ide­al choice for busi­ness trav­el­ers and their teams.

Trade Fair Visitors: For those attend­ing major events like the Bok­mäs­san (Book Fair), we offer con­ve­nient accom­mo­da­tions near Gothen­burg’s cen­ter. Spar Hotel Går­da is with­in com­fort­able walk­ing dis­tance from the Sven­s­ka Mäs­san (Swedish Exhi­bi­tion and Con­gress Centre).

Whether you’re trav­el­ing for sports, leisure, or busi­ness, Spar Hotel is the obvi­ous choice for your group. We ensure you have every­thing you need for a pleas­ant and pro­duc­tive stay in Gothenburg.

Wel­come to Spar Hotel – Per­fect for Groups in Gothenburg!