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Expe­ri­ence lux­u­ry and ele­gance in our exclu­sive suite at Spar Hotel Går­da, Gothenburg

Wel­come to Spar Hotel Går­da, where our exclu­sive suite offers an unpar­al­leled com­bi­na­tion of com­fort, ele­gance, and care­ful­ly select­ed details. Posi­tioned at the top of the hotel, with a south-fac­ing view where Lise­berg is glimpsed on the hori­zon. Dis­cov­er why this Gothen­burg suite is the per­fect choice for cou­ples seek­ing that lit­tle extra dur­ing their stay in Gothenburg.

Upon your arrival at the suite, a delight­ful wel­come awaits. Enjoy refresh­ing min­er­al water and a deli­cious fruit plat­ter ready to add an extra touch of wel­come com­fort to your stay. It’s our way of say­ing wel­come and cre­at­ing an imme­di­ate sense of lux­u­ry and care from the moment you step into the suite.

A green oasis of calm and harmony

The suit­e’s 35 square meters have been care­ful­ly ren­o­vat­ed in 2023 and sur­round­ed by sooth­ing green tones. Here, an atmos­phere of sophis­ti­cat­ed ele­gance and Scan­di­na­vian design is cre­at­ed, includ­ing exclu­sive details from the Dan­ish brand Hay.

Lux­u­ri­ous bath­room with spa facilities.

The suit­e’s bath­room is tru­ly extra­or­di­nary for a suite in Gothen­burg, a oasis of lux­u­ry with lav­ish mate­r­i­al choic­es. It fea­tures a warm­ing sauna for relax­ation, a rain show­er for refresh­ment, and a whirlpool bath­tub for com­plete well-being. Your very own spa, a fea­ture that few suites in Gothen­burg can offer. 

Mod­ern com­fort and entertainment.

The suite is equipped with mod­ern con­ve­niences to make your stay com­fort­able and enter­tain­ing. A fan­tas­tic LCD TV from Philips, with Chrome­cast, and a Blue­tooth speak­er from Mar­shall are at your dis­pos­al to meet your enter­tain­ment needs.

Ameni­ties for sen­so­ry indulgence.

To sat­is­fy your sens­es, the suite offers cof­fee and tea facil­i­ties as well as a refrig­er­a­tor to store your favorite drinks. Upon arrival, refresh­ing min­er­al water is always avail­able. The bed, a gen­er­ous 180 cm wide, is sur­round­ed by black­out cur­tains for a good night’s sleep and an atmos­phere of tran­quil­i­ty and well-being. 

Culi­nary delight at the break­fast buffet.

Start your day the best way with our includ­ed break­fast buf­fet. Enjoy recur­ring favorites such as crois­sants, gra­nola, hum­mus, fresh­ly baked bread from Dahls bak­ery, scram­bled eggs, bacon, juices, and fresh fruits like mel­on, pineap­ple, cit­rus fruits, and much, much more.

Facil­i­ties & Views of Gothenburg.

The suite offers a wide range of ameni­ties, includ­ing a whirlpool, stor­age box, sofa, desk, and com­pli­men­ta­ry WiFi. The view from the suite over­look­ing south­ern Gothen­burg adds the fin­ish­ing touch to your stay. With safe­ty in mind, there is a safe avail­able to secure­ly store your valu­ables. Wel­come to your green sanc­tu­ary of style and com­fort, where every detail is care­ful­ly select­ed to make your stay mem­o­rable and relaxing.

When vis­it­ing Gothen­burg, choose our suite for a unique and mem­o­rable expe­ri­ence at Spar Hotel Går­da, where every moment is filled with lux­u­ry and care. Wel­come to a world of com­fort and elegance!