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Hotels in Gothen­burg near Liseberg

Wel­come to Spar Hotel – your per­fect des­ti­na­tion when you’re look­ing for a hotel in Gothen­burg near Lise­berg. We offer two com­fort­able and well-locat­ed hotels in Gothen­burg: Spar Hotel Går­da and Spar Hotel Major­na. Of these, Spar Hotel Går­da is the clos­est to Lise­berg, just 2 km away, while Lise­berg is also eas­i­ly acces­si­ble from Spar Hotel Major­na. We are proud to be an offi­cial part­ner hotel of Liseberg.

A short walk to Liseberg

Enjoy a scenic walk along the beau­ti­ful Möl­ndal­sån to reach Lise­berg from Spar Hotel Går­da. With only 2 km to the park, it’s a delight­ful and relax­ing stroll per­fect for the whole fam­i­ly. Alter­na­tive­ly, you can take tram 6 or 8 from Svin­geln to Korsvä­gen for an even quick­er trip to the adven­ture. From Spar Hotel Major­na, get­ting to Lise­berg by pub­lic trans­port is also con­ve­nient and straightforward.

Fam­i­ly-Friend­ly expe­ri­ences at Liseberg

Lise­berg is a lush oasis in the heart of Gothen­burg, offer­ing some­thing for every­one. Kids will love Kanin­lan­det, where they can meet the rab­bits Berg and his friends, enjoy fun rides, and par­tic­i­pate in excit­ing activ­i­ties. For old­er chil­dren and adults, there are world-class attrac­tions like Helix and Balder that will get the adren­a­line pumping.

Sea­son­al festivities

Lise­berg is not just a sum­mer adven­ture. In the autumn, the park trans­forms into a spooky place with Hal­loween at Lise­berg, com­plete with haunt­ed hous­es and thrilling expe­ri­ences. In the win­ter, you can enjoy the mag­i­cal atmos­phere at Christ­mas at Lise­berg, with sparkling lights, a Christ­mas mar­ket, and ice shows.

Music and entertainment

In addi­tion to the rides, Lise­berg also offers fan­tas­tic con­certs and per­for­mances. Enjoy live music from inter­na­tion­al and local artists on the main stage or expe­ri­ence a mag­i­cal evening at one of the park’s the­atre shows.

Fam­i­ly-friend­ly Spar Hotel

Spar Hotel is the per­fect choice for fam­i­lies vis­it­ing Gothen­burg. We offer a gen­er­ous break­fast between 06:30 – 12 on week­ends and dur­ing the sum­mer. Free park­ing is avail­able sub­ject to avail­abil­i­ty, and our sun­ny and love­ly ter­races are per­fect for relax­ation. Upon arrival, chil­dren receive a wel­come gift, and our spa­cious fam­i­ly rooms have plen­ty of space for the whole family.

For those who want to stay active, we offer free gym and sauna facil­i­ties. At Spar Hotel Går­da, there’s a game room with bil­liards and table ten­nis, while Spar Hotel Major­na fea­tures shuf­fle­board. You can also bor­row fun games from the reception.

Our bar & kitchen is open every day from 11 – 23. Sand­wich­es, drinks, sweets, and chips are avail­able for pur­chase around the clock in our 24-hour staffed recep­tion. Wel­come to Spar Hotel for a com­fort­able and enjoy­able stay for the whole family!

Con­ve­nience and tickets

As a guest at Spar Hotel, you can eas­i­ly pur­chase tick­ets to Lise­berg direct­ly from us. This way, you save time and can max­i­mize your enjoy­ment in the amuse­ment park. Buy your tick­ets here!

Book your hotel in Gothen­burg today

For the best expe­ri­ence of Lise­berg and a hotel in Gothen­burg near Lise­berg, choose Spar Hotel. Our con­ve­nient loca­tion, fam­i­ly-friend­ly atmos­phere, and prox­im­i­ty to Gothen­burg’s top attrac­tions make us the obvi­ous choice for your next stay.

Wel­come to Gothen­burg and Spar Hotel – your hotel near Liseberg!